Heal to Whole
with Relaxing Music and Sounds
Release your mind, relax into sound, and see how meditative music, natural sounds, and dynamic drumming can improve your health and wellbeing.
Sound can be used in many ways for personal or corporate peace and wellness.
Sound Baths

A unique sonic environment specifically created to promote healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Lie down on your mat or mattress, with your head on a pillow, put your mind into neutral, and immerse yourself in the sounds as it takes you to where you need the most healing.
Personal Appointments
Personal appointments can help alleviate stress, pain and other symptoms, through the use of specially customised sounds. They can clarify issues and evoke solutions. When used wisely, sound has the power to transcend the natural world, allowing you to approach the issue or construct from another angle.

Group Events

Group sessions allow a focus for the group. It may be to relax, to freshen up, to stir up, to express yourself, to inspire, to unite, to heal. Group sessions enable a bond to form within the participants, a team spirit. It can also help people experience other ways of seeing things, or doing things together.

Discover the Power of Sound

Relieve anxiety
Promote calmness
Improve sleep
Reduce pain
Balance hormones

Improve decision-making
Increase creativity and insight
Impart strength of will
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
About Tom
Tom has immersed himself in sound, learning how it can help improve a person as a whole - in body, soul, and spirit.
His exploration of sound has led him through rigorous study, learning and creating instruments, and performing around the world.
Sound Therapy is a natural convergence of his deep listening ability with his musical talent. He now helps people improve their life, and develop their peace and wellness.